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PhenoLife - PhenoPatch

PhenoLife PHEN07
Šifra SKU: PHEN07
PhenoLife - PhenoPatch
Na zalogi
14,80 €
14,80 €


Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

PhenoPatch je transdermalni obliž, napolnjen s konopljo, ki zagotavlja neprekinjeno in počasno sproščanje CBD-ja v sistem skozi kožo.

Vsak PhenoPatch traja do 8 ur, zaradi česar je priljubljena izbira za uporabnike CBD-ja, ki iščejo učinkovito in brez težav način dostave.

Paket vsebuje 5 obližev. 32 mg CBD na obliž.

Key PhenoPatch features:

CBD enters directly into the bloodstream
PhenoPatch is a transdermal delivery system, which means that its active ingredients
penetrate the skin’s barrier and enter the system directly for maximum effect.

CBD doesn’t get lost through metabolization
When you take ordinary CBD tablets, some of the active ingredients are metabolized by the body before entering the bloodstream.
With PhenoPatch, the CBD passes directly into the system.

Controlled, slow release of CBD

After you put the patch on, it continues slowly releasing CBD into your body for up to 8 hours,
so you can get on with your normal daily activities and not have to worry about “topping up.”

All natural ingredients

PhenoPatch contains 100% natural ingredients. Many CBD patches on the market have chemical carriers in them to help the active compounds penetrate the skin. These chemicals can cause allergies and irritation. PhenoPatch contains only natural ingredients.

Comfortable and easy to use

There’s no vaping or swallowing involved.
All you have to do is to press the adhesive side of the patch firmly onto your skin, and then sit back and let it do its work!

PhenoPatch is hassle-free and discreet

Taking CBD via PhenoPatch doesn’t require you to make any lifestyle changes whatsoever, and no one has to know you’re wearing a patch.


PhenoPatch stays in place and continues to release CBD even if it gets wet.

Maximum symptom relief and therapeutic effect

PhenoPatch may help relieve a wide range of symptoms, including pain, anxiety and insomnia, and produce a general sense of wellbeing. CBD patches may be particularly effective for local pain and inflammation when they are placed directly on the affected site.

GMP certified
All of our operations are also carried out under a Good Manufacturing Practices certificate.


For best results, place the patch on clean and dry skin.
Remove the printed liner, then firmly press the adhesive side of the patch firmly onto the skin.

You can position the patch directly over the site of an injury or localized pain, but do not use it on an open wound or where the skin is broken.

The patch can be worn continuously for up to 8 hours. Then it should be removed.

Broad spectrum CBD, pressure-sensitive medical glue and penetration enhancers (antioxidant, hydrocarbon C5 / C9, and copolymer)

Package contains:
5 PhenoPatch adhesive patches

Each patch is individually wrapped
32mg CBD per patch
PhenoPatch dimensions: 5cm x 5cm (1.97in x 1.97in)

How can PhenoPatch help me?
CBD promotes homeostasis, which means that it may help balance out irregularities in the brain and body. PhenoPatch users report improvement across a wide range of symptoms, including pain reduction, improved focus, better sleep quality, less anxiety and a generally increased sense of wellbeing. Some PhenoPatch users find that it reduces localized pain and inflammation when placed directly upon the site of an injury.

Where is the best location on the body to use PhenoPatch?
Research studies suggest that the optimal placement for transdermal patches is on soft or venous areas of the body. Therefore, we recommend wearing your patch on your wrist, ankle, outer-thigh, or bicep. If you have pain and inflammation in a specific area of your body, you can apply the patch directly to that site so that the CBD can be readily absorbed where it is needed most.

Is PhenoPatch better than hemp oil?
Everyone has their own needs and preferences when it comes to taking CBD, but transdermal patches certainly have some key benefits. When you use PhenoPatch, the CBD penetrates the skin’s barrier and enters directly into the bloodstream for a full-body therapeutic experience. PhenoPatch users also love the fact that they’re discreet. You can wear them to work, the gym or a family gathering and no one will be any the wiser. Nor do you need to worry about missing a dose because PhenoPatch continues releasing CBD into your system for a full 8 hours.


CBD mg 32