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WeeBee - Honig mit Hanf

Weebee WB250
SKU Code: WB250
WeeBee - Honig mit Hanf
Auf Lager
11,71 €
11,71 €


Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Weebee hemp honey contains grinded hemp with high
CBD content, present in a completely natural way,
without the addition of CBD extract, without extraction process,
all mixed together in high quality honey.

  • flower honey of Slovenian origin
  • added hemp with a high CBD content (5%)
  • high mineral content - excellent calming
  • does not contain added sweeteners or water
  • 100% Natural


Suggested retail price : € 11,9


Is a new brand, product and a carefully monitored blend of Slovenian
flower honey and 5% CBD obtained from grinded hemp flowers.

The reason for the exceptional effects of cannabinoid (CBD) on our body relies on the
fact that it helps to restore a balanced functioning of the endocannabinoid system.
This is a system in our body that regulates all the processes which occur in it – from mood,
appetite, memory, sleep, metabolism, motor control and fertility and all the way to the general
development of the body.



Flower honey is a sweet liquid collected by bees in flowering meadows and orchards.
Due to the high content of mineral substances, it is well considered as an exceptionalsedative,
and is able at the same time due to the sugar content serve as an ideal source of energy.

True or clean honey should not contain added sweeteners or water and is the only nutrition
of animal origin with almost unlimited shelf life. A common occurrence in natural honey is the
process of crystallization when the honey becomes hardened. If you prefer to enjoy honey in liquid
form, re-liquefy it by putting the jar with honey in warm water for a short time
– but the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.